3 Things You Need to Know About Positive Pregnancy Testing.
1. POSITIVE may not suggest PREGNANT.
You may be wondering, "Can I be pregnant?" Have you taken a favorable residential pregnancy test? You still need a doctor to validate the pregnancy is sensible (or that the fetus has a beating heart)if you responded to indeed.
Just because a pregnancy test is positive, doesn't mean the pregnancy is practical. About 1 out of every 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage.1.
Receive a complimentary ultrasound at ComfortCare to discover exactly how far along your pregnancy is and if it's feasible. Clinical details is power. We have offices in Lexington, Staunton, and Waynesboro.
2. STI implies STOP.
Have you been checked for an STI? Even if you have actually only had one partner, there is a danger that you can bring a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI).
STIs affect any pregnancy decision. It can enhance her possibility of PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)if a woman has unattended STI's at the time of her abortion.
If left neglected, PID can intensify into lifelong medical complications. If a lady decides to reach term, neglected STI's can be transferred to the child throughout delivery.
All females should be checked for STI's despite their pregnancy decision. At ComfortCare, restricted STI testing is performed, without charge, and recommendations for extensive testing can be made. Education is flexibility.
3. There are ALTERNATIVES.
It can appear like all alternatives are gone when you're staring at a positive pregnancy test. It can feel frustrating.
But you are strong. With the ideal medical details and non-judgmental support, you can make the best decision for you. ComfortCare is staffed with pregnancy choices experts, readily available to go over adoption, abortion and parenting. The most sophisticated info is provided in a supportive, objective setting.
Nurses and client supporters are offered to hear your situation, your doubts and your concerns. Support brings freedom. For more information about pregnancy, visit http://newmothertips.com/
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Published: 2014-05-25T01:20:00-07:00
3 Things You Need to Know About Positive Pregnancy Testing.